
Program Format
Kid Support is a 12-session, adult-led peer-support program for young people
ages six to 13. (If necessary, facilitators can implement a shortened, ten-session
version of the program.) Each session meets for 90 minutes. The program is designed
to reduce the stress of parental cancer by providing information and support,
by teaching coping skills and by promoting family communication about cancer.
The program uses art activities, poems, stories, cartoons and games to help
young people share their experiences and learn coping skills.
The Kid Support program also includes a free 90-minute workshopthe Parent
Orientation Sessionto help parents and other caregivers support their
The Parent Orientation Session is conducted by Kid Support facilitators. It
provides parents with help in explaining cancer to children; information, guidance,
and resources for helping children cope; and an introduction to the content
and goals of Kid Support programming.
"The Kid Support Program has helped my daughter realize that
other kids experience the same feelings she does, and has made it
easier to discuss the situation with her. This program is outstanding."
-M.S., Kid Support parent, 2003 |