Role of a Facilitator
The word facilitator comes from the Latin word facilis, meaning
to make easier, to aid, or assist. Through empathic listening and attentive
questioning, Kid Support™ facilitators help participants to come together
for mutual support and learning.
Each Kid Support™ at Gilda's Club group is led by a licensed/certified mental health professional, with the assistance of a trained intern/volunteer.
Every Kid Support™ facilitator is provided with a copy of the Kid Support
Procedures Manual, which includes the necessary materials and detailed
instructions for conducting session activities. In the Kid Support™ training
course, facilitators acquire a solid understanding of the purpose of each
of the activities.
Kid Support™ programming and materials (copyright © 2004, 2007 by Ann Speltz) are used by Gilda's Club Worldwide and its affiliates with permission and under license.