Katherine Ford Sori, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
Kid Support Training Consultant
Katherine Ford Sori collaborated with Ann Speltz to develop the facilitator
training course for Kid Support. Kate provided expert help in developing
the Kid Support training curriculum and in compiling the Kid Support
Training Handbook for Facilitators.
Kate was formerly the Director of Children and Family Services at the
Cancer Support Center in Homewood, IL (1999-2001), and has advanced training
in Medical Family Therapy. She is currently Professor in the Division
of Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University, University
Park, IL, where she teaches a course in "Intervention for Children
and Adolescents."
Kate is also Associate Faculty at the Chicago Center for Family Health.
Kate's research has focused particularly on training family therapists
to work with children and families. She is the co-author, with Lorna Hecker,
Ph.D., of the book The Therapist's Notebook for Children and Adolescents:
Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy, published
by Haworth Press.
Kate is at work on a new book, co-editing with K. Helmeke The Therapist's
Notebook on Integrating Spiritituality.