Nancee Biank, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Kid Support Curriculum Consultant
Nancee Biank, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., generously allowed Ann Speltz, president
and founder of Kid Support, to observeand to participate as a co-facilitator
inKid's Group and Teen Talk in 2001-2002 at the Wellness House in
Hinsdale, Illinois. The Wellness House is a nonprofit organization that
offers psychosocial support to cancer patients and their families.
Kid's Group is a facilitated eight-week program that provides support
and education for children ages six to twelve when a family member has
cancer, while Teen Talk is a facilitated eight-week support and education
group for young people ages 13-17. Nancee developed these programs as
part of the Wellness House's groundbreaking Family Matters program for
children with cancer in the family.
Nancee shared many ideas and activities from her Kid's Group program
with Ann that form the basis of Sessions 1-7 and Session 12 of the Kid
Support curriculum.
Nancee was recently invited to conduct a presentation on the Wellness
House's Family Matters program for an international audience at the Eighteenth
Congress of Psycho-oncology in Normandy France, and again in 2003 at the
APOS meeting in Banff, Canada.
Nancee is currently working on a book for professionals, to be titled
Tell Them That We Know...Children's Responses to Illness and Loss,
and developing a children's book manuscript and CD for helping children
cope with stress.
Nancee trained at the Institute for Psychoanalysis, Child and Adolescent
Therapy Program; the University of Illinois, Jane Adams College of Social
Work in Chicago, Illinois; and with Judith Wallerstein.
In addition to her work at the Wellness House, Nancee has a private practice
and is co-founder of Partners in Transition in Hinsdale, Illinois.