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"'Where Children Can Feel Safe': Program Helps Kids Cope with
their Parents' Cancer"
(short excerpt)
by Kathy Routliffe
Reprinted with special permission from Pioneer Press, © 2002
When doctors diagnosed Ann Speltz with breast cancer almost five years
ago, one of the first things she did was try to explain what that meant
to her daughter Amelia, then seven years old.
Speltz wondered whether there were any resources for children whose
parents had been struck with cancer. The former teacher looked around
and found support groups for adult survivors, but almost nothing to fit
the bill for kids like Amelia.
She realized children with a cancer-stricken parent may think they are
alone in the experience.
"When kids' parents are going through divorce, the chances are they
know someone else going through the same thing. That's not very certain
in the case of cancer, because cancer is still a private thing with many
families," she said.
The program is exciting, said Tom Erf the [McGaw YMCA Child Care
Center's] preschool social worker [in Evanston, IL]. He is one of three
people who took 10 hours of training to become support group facilitators
at McGaw.
"So often cancer takes up so much time in a family that parents
don't talk about it," Erf said recently. "Kids can be quiet,
too, and parents might think everything's fine, where really the kids
are upset, scared or even feeling guilty."
"What this provides is a place where children can feel safe,"
he said, echoing Speltz.
People who train as facilitators need not be professional psychologists
or social workers. What they do need, Erf said, "is a fundamental
quality in being empathetic with children and having as a goal providing
that safe place."